"I've already done what you're trying to do, by learning Spanish on a High Speed basis. Now, I can teach you exactly how I did it, so you can do it too!" - Greg (Gregorio) Webster
I took Spanish in High School. However, like most people who don't continue practicing it, I forgot everything. Then, one night I was in my car listening to a Spanish song that I really liked, the lyrics to which I, frustratingly, didn't understand. Well, it was that very same night I turned that frustration into action by telling myself, "Greg, when you get home tonight, you're going to start learning Spanish for real this time." And that's exactly what I did!
Well, with the way the Spanish Language is usually taught at community colleges, Adult-Ed programs and in various other conventional environments, you could easily spend six months to two years following their teaching methods and still not be able to hold a three-minute conversation with anyone in Spanish afterwards.
Spending your time only learning how to say random individual words in Spanish, like "table", "fork", "shoe", "door", etc., isn't going to get you to a conversational level of Spanish.
While I knew that a certain amount of textbook study is necessary, I also knew I needed figure out a way to speak the language at the same time as I was learning it.
So, with some effort and some trial and error, I was able to find the right balance between Strategic Textbook Study and Passive Immersive Learning.
By Strategic Textbook Study I mean learning ONLY the minimum that you need to know from the textbooks, and filtering out all the other nonsense that wastes your time (I've done that for you).
By Passive Immersive Learning I mean first figuring out what Spanish words you need to use to say what you want to say, then going back and learning WHY you said them. I call this method "REVERSE CONJUGATION."
THE EQUATION: Strategic Textbook Study + Passive Immersive Learning = ACTUALLY SPEAKING SPANISH
I've been member of several clubs for non-native Spanish speakers in the past. Some with formats as casual as just sitting around a coffee shop chatting in the language for a couple of hours, and others as rigorously-formatted as being thrown in front of an audience with a partner, and having to act out a three-minute impromptu scene - all in Spanish!
As members of these types of clubs, the first thing we ask each other is, "So, how did you learn Spanish?"
Most people are surprised to find out that I never lived in a Spanish speaking country, which is what the overwhelming majority of people who speak the language as well as I do have done.
I can realistically say that I speak the SPANISH language as well as any non-native Spanish speaker that I've ever met.
IF I HAD TO GO BACK AND LEARN THE SPANISH LANGUAGE ALL-OVER-AGAIN, eliminating the silly pitfalls and time-wasters that come with trying to learn a new language, HOW WOULD I DO IT?
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*** My Learning Method Is HOW...! ***